Part 28: Chapter XXVIII: An Endless Parade Of Groin Punching
The game cuts away to Sonne after Deis's outburst.

Mami brings up the point that the thread did as well: the volcano god isn't going to kill us, so stop arguing. Fou-Lu returns to her house.

Fade to black, bells jingle. If you believe the two have sex, this is another spot where they probably do what with Mami saying how grateful she is and the fade to black. It also makes what's about to happen even more of a dick move.

Fou-Lu awakens alone once more, but there's something different this time.

The village is empty. No old man fishing, no dog beside him, no woman counting beans. It's kinda eerie. Wonder where they all-

Oh HELL no.

Fou-Lu hesitantly retreats back into Mami's house.

Oh no.

It's at about this point where Sonne's music changes tone from the perfect song for an idyllic village to practically heartbreaking. Seriously, listen to it as you read this, and realize how different it feels with this scene as the context. It's been said several times in the thread but the music in this game is criminally unrecognized.

The Landlord and the soldiers start trying to break down the door.

There's gotta be some way to stop this. I can just go out there and kill all the soldiers, right? If I just talk to Mami she'll let me through...

I'll be entirely honest. This whole scene gets me choked up every single time I play. I rarely cry at movies or games, but this fucking scene, man. This fucking scene. I guess it's because I played it as a kid and it hit me right square in the idealistic balls.

The soldiers throw Mami out roughly, and she collapses onto the ground. It appears Yohm's still personally overseeing Operation: Competent As Hell.

Just gonna let that sink in while I recap here. Mami, a normal peasant woman, falls in love with Fou-Lu and wants to live her life with him despite her knowing that would likely never happen. This is because Fou-Lu's stream is crazy powerful and it drew her into his life, which he was fully aware of and he tried to avoid by telling her to leave him. It was to spare her from his own wake.
And now Yohm is going to use her as ammo for the Carronade. The weapon that runs off of horrifically torturing someone close to the target and prolonging their suffering as long as humanly possible.
Yohm's comment and apprehension about Mami "living" with Fou-Lu is what makes me think they got more intimate than it appears. The Carronade works best when fueled with someone very, very intimately related to the target(s), and someone who had sex with a divine being may very well get pregnant with a divine child. Which is something the Empire would freak the fuck out about. Two birds, one horrifically monstrous and coldly efficient stone.
There's being evil, then there's being evil.

Meanwhile, in a place that's less likely to induce suicide...

That's our last major point about dragons. They all start as gods for the people of the world, and once their tenure as a god is done, they turn into their dragon selves as they are now, using their avatar humanoid forms to communicate. This is why Deis, Fou-Lu, and Ryu all look human. They're not TECHNICALLY dragons yet. My personal theory is if Ryu/Fou-Lu had come successfully, served their time, and become a dragon, their avatar form would have resembled their hybrid form.

Yes, Sa Ryong remembers us. The manga jokes that he did it because he was hungry, but it was more likely that he was agitated by Ryu's arrival.

Note that was an evasion of the actual question. The dragons aren't exactly pleased with their position, they're simply resigned to the fact that it's the way it is. Serve as God for a bunch of people in another world, become a big dragon once you've lost your uses, have your existence fuel their planet for eternity or until you fade away. Would YOU be enthusiastic about that job?

The screen darkens and P'ung Ryong's avatar disappears into a flare of light.

There's this really cool shimmering outline effect here but it's kind of hard to put in a .gif without wrecking the quality, so just imagine those lights moving around an invisible P'ung Ryong to give it form.

And we have our first Dragon ability, Rainstorm! I'll be showing this off soon.

Deis puts it another way. What would you feel like, reader, if you were plucked from your friends, family, life, and all you'd ever known to go somewhere else and act as their deity?
Though considering the kind of people on SomethingAwful, I assume the answer most of you have is "Go mad with power."
The screen fades to black, and there's a knocking sound.


It's Captain Poof, with a stunning display of simultaneous competency AND incompetency!

The Abbess heads outside, and Ershin doubles over laughing.

Let's just head outside, then.

Ershin looks to a soldier.

Poor confused Ershin. At least this fight is dead simple. Crossbow guy criticals a lot, spear guy shanks you. Punch them in the face with rocket propelled drill fists to win.

Admit it, everybody here would want to pilot Ershin.

Oh no an ambush by expendable mooks whatever shall I do

I haven't really shown any combat items off. Here's one that mimics the highest level of water magic.

Flawless victory.

I don't know if this is scripted or if Ershin's idle animation fired at the exact right time, but either way it's incredibly funny.


Ershin? Get up, Ershin.
